和太鼓演奏家 足立七海 Nami Adachi

Japanese Taiko Player and Minyo(Traditional songs)singer
Nami is from Hyogo Prefecture. In addition to existing traditional and folk arts, she continues to paint musical instruments and compositions from ancient documents and folding screen paintings, dating back to the Sengoku period, Muromachi period, Yayoi period, and Jomon period. Since 2010, she has challenged herself to portray humans facing Japanese Mother Nature, such as agriculture, fishing, and forests, and in 2019, she released Mizuho no Kuni no KomenoUta, a work depicting a year of rice production, at the New Performance of Composers and Performers. In this work, the new work "Kaze no Taiko ~ (written by Kenji Miyazawa)" commissioned by the composer is performed together with "Ashura" by the founder of the kumi taiko drums. From her teens, she lived in Nagano Prefecture for 10 years as an apprentice, received training as a craftsman, and toured around the world, including appearing in movies and media as a performance member. After becoming independent, she worked with professional female performers such as shamisen, flute, shakuhachi, biwa, Koto, Chinese biwa, and erhu, including folk song singer Shigeri Kizu. As a drum instructor, he has been in charge of teaching 30 to 90 people a day as an assistant to her teacher since her teens, and worked with experts in child welfare, childcare, occupational therapy, and music therapy to create programs and train instructors.
【海外公演 Overseas performance】
・Nami's solo Performance and Perfoming Arts workshop at in UK.
・8 stage in Vietnam as Japan wa-daiko Professional Dream Team as JAPAN Wa-Taiko Professional Dream Team
・Portland Rose Festival,Hawaii in USA,France,Australia ,Indonesia and so on
●JAPAN Wa-Taiko Professional Dream Teamメンバーとしてベトナム・ハノイ8公演(ベトナム・ハノイ)
・アメリカ公演 ポートランドローズフェスティバル
・フランス公演 ディジョン市オペラ座
・オーストラリア公演 パース
・インドネシア公演 バリ
・アメリカ ハワイ公演ほか
【出演・プロデュース Live performance , Workshop and Produce】
・The Agency for Caltual Affairs"Performing Arts workshop for Children
・Intergenerational Workshop(Intergenerational Society,Hyogo University of education)
・JICA Health Administration forRegional Health Officer for African Countries
・Hyogo Prefecture Support Program for Child Care (Produce, Performance, Guidance/Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture)
・Takarazuka City Project in Hyogo Prefecture(Composer/Dance/Performance/Guidance/Takarazuka City in Hyogo Prefecture)
・A gathering to deepen understanding of Japanese residents in China (Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture)
・Midosuji Autumn Gallery Machikado Concert (Osaka Prefecture)
・Collaboration between agriculture and music "Workshop for Japanese Traditional Songs" (Supervised, Performed, and Instructed by Work Song / Miki City, Hyogo Prefecture)
・Vietnam Performance Eve Festival with Sukeroku Drum Performance (Tokyo)
・"Kabuki(dance campany) Presents 1st Dance Performance ""Tsuyoshi-en-"" Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Hall (Kanagawa)
・ Hanabenten Live" live in Kanishi City, Hyogo Prefecture for 2 days (Hyogo)
・「Kyoto」Maple House performance for 2 days (Tokyo)
●JICA「アフリカ地域 地域保健担当官のための保健行政B(仏語圏)」(指導・演奏・舞台プロデュース)
●「神舞姫Presents 第一回ダンス公演 『艶-en-』」横浜赤レンガ倉庫ホール(神奈川)
●「ふく蔵 雙龍&華弁天 ライブ」兵庫県加西市2日間ライブ(兵庫)
●「響」 メイプルハウス 2日間公演(東京)
●as Member of the Shigeri Kitsu Minyo Group 木津茂理社中
●as Member of the Shigeri Kitsu Minyo Group Kizu Shigeru Company
・Nihonbashi Theater of the 28th Hideyasu-kai (Hall on the 4th floor of Nihonbashi Public Hall) ・"Tsuruto Kame Live"" EATS and MEETS Cay (Aoyama Spiral B1F) commemorating the return of the International Exchange Fund to Central Asia Tour"
・Shigeru Kizu Shigeru Shibuya SONGLINES (Tokyo)
・ Spring fields 09 Tokyo Tournament (Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall, Tokyo) and others
「第28回 秀康会」日本橋劇場(日本橋公会堂4階ホール)
「国際交流基金・中央アジアツアー帰国記念「つるとかめ Live」EATS and MEETS Cay(青山スパイラルB1F)
「spring fields 09東京場所」(東京・日比谷野外音楽堂)ほか
●as Main performer of the Osuwa-daiko and Mikio Yamamoto's Taiko team
·All Japan Drum Summit 1992-1998 (Nagano)
·National Drum Festival Inn Izumo (Shimane)
·National Drum Festival Intsukumi (Kyushu)
·Mt. Fuji and Kitaro hymns (Shibzuka)
·Iwami Cinema Culture Salon in Actor's Theater (Tokyo) = Jun Suwa (Director of Iwami Film)
·10th Anniversary Parade of the Emperor's accession to the throne (Tokyo)
·Okada percussion instrument ensemble performance Kumagai and others (Saitama and others) ·Kamatoya Junior High School Art Appreciation Association (Kanagawa)
·Yokohama National University Elementary School Art Appreciation Association (Kanagawa)
・岩波シネマカルチャーサロン イン俳優座劇場(東京)主宰=諏訪淳(岩波映画監督)
・岡田打楽器合奏団公演 熊谷ほか(埼玉ほか)
【メディア出演 Media】
・NHK period drama "Nobunaga"
・NHK's "Lowpich Special"
・NHK's Utanaruki
"""Koiuta"" (Japanese title is ""Koiuta") was introduced on Flomotion Radio from London, England." Other than that, there are a lot of radio, newspapers, etc
作詞作曲を手がけた「Koiuta」(邦題は「恋唄」)がイギリスLONDON発Flomotion Radioにて紹介