さとおと太鼓研究所 Satooto Taiko School
Join the community!
And you can open the door to Japanese culture through Japanese drumming.

In 2010, local performing arts, which used to be a venue for intergenerational exchange, were revived, mainly in Japanese drum classes, The classroom was set up to restore the culture of raising children in the community With the support of many people, it has spread throughout Hyogo Prefecture, throughout Kansai, Kanto and overseas.
"Focusing on the style of ""kumi-daiko"" which is most loved in Japan, " It incorporates a variety of percussion techniques among local performing arts throughout Japan. The representatives are experts in Japanese drums, performers, lecturers, And a walking drummer who has worked on school textbooks and magazines specializing in music lovers. Instructors who can teach professionally while taking over the culture of their hometowns Instructors who are carefully trained and specialized in teaching children, professional instructors such as occupational therapy and music therapy, etc I'm enrolled. The students are from 3-year-old children who enjoy drumming to 90-year-old person, Celebrities, athletes, For those of you who love England, USA, and Africa A class full of programs that can be enjoyed across countries, cultures and ages. You can make friends! Join the community! And you can open the door to Japanese culture through Japanese drumming.
■おもなワークショップ実施・指導校 Major workshops and instruction schools
British Steiner School / Australia Wanaroo High School / Tokyo Higashi-Yamato High School / Ouka women's High School (Tokyo) / Nagano Prefecture Okaya Minami High School / Nagano Prefecture Okaya City Northern Junior High School / Western Junior High School (Nagano) / Suwa Nursing School (Nagano) / Midorigaoka Elementary School (Hyogo) / Ebisu children School (Hyogo) / Kouei Children School (Hyogo) / Yokohama National University Elementary School (Kanagawa) / Kamatani Junior High School (Kanagawa) / Miki High School (Hyogo) / Kaikyodaiko (Nagano) / Hachiman Honjin Tomoe taiko(Hukuoka)/Mikidaiko(Hyogo)/Ashiya yamate taiko(Hyogo)/Mori Children School(Hyogo・Inami-cho)/Obama Children's school(Hyogo・Takarazuka)/Mehu Children's School(Hyogo・Takarazuka)
イギリス・シュタイナースクール/オーストラリア・ワナルー高校/東京都立東大和高等学校/桜華女学院高等学校(東京)/長野県岡谷南高等学校/長野県岡谷市北部中学校/西部中学校(長野)/オーストラリア ワナルー高等学校/ 諏訪養護学校(長野)/緑が丘小学校(兵庫)/緑が丘東小学校(兵庫)/えびす保育園(兵庫)/広英保育園(兵庫)/横浜国大附属小学校(神奈川)/釜利谷中学校(神奈川)/三木高等学校(兵庫)/売布保育所(兵庫)/海響太鼓(長野)/万年太鼓(長野)/八幡本陣ともえ太鼓(福岡)/三木太鼓(兵庫)/三木武陣太鼓(兵庫)/日本太鼓塾(神奈川)/芦屋山手太鼓(兵庫・芦屋市)/母里保育園(兵庫・稲美町)/小浜保育園(兵庫・宝塚市)/売布保育園(兵庫・宝塚市)/ほか