ライター・ウェブクリエイター 天海なつ Natsu Amami

Natsu Amami is in charge of planning, interviewing, writing, and editing with a wide range of connections and light footwork. So far, she has written mainly in music and art, including monthly music magazines, CD introduction books, music teaching materials, picture books and script writing. Japanese Music Information Magazine 'National Music Journal' Tsugaru shamisen and drum information magazine 'Bachi 2' In BACHI BACHI, she is in charge of the gravure section at the beginning of the book. In fact, for those who play musical instruments, a variety of projects are planned, including stage glossaries, how to wear costumes, the right to be a musician, meals to maintain physical strength and prevention of injury. She also works as a magazine model such as hair and makeup and kimono.
【Main writing: Written works】
2001-2011 Hogaku journal (Japanese instruments Monthly publication) "Written by the Japanese music magazine ""Monthly Japanese Music Journal"" and participated in the publication of ""Bachi-bachi,"" a magazine specializing in Tsugaru shamisen and Japanese drumming." Junior High School Textbook Work (Gakuhosha) ·Japanese music 200CD Japanese music (Rippu Shobo) and others
これまでに音楽月刊誌、CD紹介書籍、音楽教材、絵本・脚本執筆など、おもに音楽、芸術分野の執筆多数。日本音楽情報誌「邦楽ジャーナル」、津軽三味線と太鼓の情報誌「バチ2 BACHI BACHI」では、いずれも巻頭グラビアコーナーを担当。
【おもな執筆 Written works】
2001-2011 Hogaku journal (Japanese instruments Monthly publication)
日本の音楽専門誌「月刊 邦楽ジャーナル」執筆、津軽三味線と和太鼓の専門誌「バチバチ」創刊参加